What we do
Learn more about our current work
We work on several use cases with different partners to evaluate and demonstrate our developed PHT version.
Our current main focus is:
- deployment
- security methods extensions
- image and genome analysis
May ’23
A PHT-meDIC presentation at the 1. Spring Symposium for Medical Informatics in Heidelberg by Marius de Arruda Botelho Herr – best presentation award. Presentation (google)Mar ’23
A PHT-meDIC presentation at the AMIA 2023 Informatics Summit in Seattle, USA by Marius de Arruda Botelho Herr. Presentation (google)Aug ’22
A PHT-meDIC presentation at the MIRACUM DIFUTURE Kolloquium 2022 by Marius de Arruda Botelho Herr (presentation in German). Presentation (YouTube)Jun ’22
A PHT-meDIC presentation followed with an interactive workshop. Presented at the MIRACUM & DIFUTURE Summer School 2022 by Marius de Arruda Botelho Herr and David Hieber (slides in German). Presentation (google)Nov ’21
A PHT Tübingen CORD demo presentation presented by Marius de Arruda Botelho Herr. Presented at the 16. CORD-MI-WebWorkshop (slides in German). Presentation (google)Jul ’21
A PHT presentation at the TransMed track of the ISMB/ECCB 2021 by Marius de Arruda Botelho Herr – best presentation award. Presentation (YouTube)Dec ’20
A PHT Tübingen update presented by Lukas Zimmermann. Presented at International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020. Presentation (google)Oct ’20
A shared status update with Aachen presented by Marius Herr, Sascha Welten and Oya Beyan with the architecture from Tübingen, Demo in Aachen and next steps. Presented at the MII workshop for distributed analysis in Germany. Presentation (google)Oct ’19
A security concept release and status update presented by Marius Herr of the recent progress at Tübingen. Presented at the DIFUTURE symposium 2019 in Tübingen. Presentation (pdf)Nov ’18
The first proof-of-concept presentation by Oliver Kohlbacher of our PHT architecture, workflow and train-API. Presented at the DIFUTURE symposium 2018 in Munich, the GO FAIR meeting in Leiden and Berlin . Presentation (pdf)- Our code is fully open source and can be accessed at github.com/PHT-Medic
- User guide available at pht-medic.github.io/documentation
Our current main for extensions are:
- Deploy distributed learning architecture at projects partners on national level
- Grow a user community
- Extend towards federated learning and SMPC
Our Team
You are interested to contribute to the PHT project in one of the following ways:
- research questions you want to answer with de-central analysis
- concepts to extend or enable different methods
- code development